“Keeping the books up to date is always the last thing I do”
“I don’t feel like I can take a vacation without taking my computer with me.”
“Bills are getting paid late — invoices aren’t being sent quickly enough.”
“I’d like to let a staff member handle the daily tasks but I need help with reconciliation.”
“The reports I get don’t tell me anything I find useful.”
If any of these have you nodding your head, controller support or bookkeeping support will be helpful to you.
Controller Support
The Fulton & Kozak staff accountant serves as an advisor to the owner-manager, providing assurance that the day-to-day financial transactions have been handled correctly. Most often, a staff accountant spends a few hours each month performing controller tasks and answering questions for the internal staff.
Bookkeeping Services
The Advisory Services team is able to provide bookkeeping services at the level the company requires. From QuickBooks account maintenance to account reconciliation, from financial reporting to sales tax compliance, the Advisory Services team will provide the services your company needs on an ongoing basis.
What should I do first?
Consider how much you and your staff can handle on a regular basis, then make a wish list of what you’d like to see handled by a provider.
Take the wish list to Fulton & Kozak — they’ll devise a process that meshes perfectly with your established practices and take over the tasks best handled by a separate entity.